Mushroom Recipe: Have you tasted mushroom cake in Korba? Nutritious as well as delicious, note the address of the shop

Mushroom Recipe: Have you tasted mushroom cake in Korba?  Nutritious as well as delicious, note the address of the shop

Report: Anoop Paswan

Korba. You must have eaten a lot of flour and cream cake, but today we are going to tell you about such a nutritious and healthy cake, which is prepared from mushrooms. This mushroom cake is being specially prepared by women self help group in Korba. Being different and nutritious from the common cake, it is in great demand. Its taste is also amazing. Some women are preparing these cakes in a domestic way and making them available with the claim of complete guarantee of purity.

In Korba’s Dingapur, women’s groups are making a special kind of mushroom cake. This women’s group itself produces mushrooms for the cake. Mushroom cake is also being said to be healthier than normal cake. This cake being made in many flavors is also wonderful in taste. Gayatri Mahila Self Help Group of Dingapur township adjacent to Korba city of Chhattisgarh has prepared mushroom cake by innovating. To order mushroom cake, reach the shop located at the collectorate or you can call on the group’s mobile number 6264031621.

from your city (Korba)


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What is the specialty of this cake?

The women of the group prepare this cake only after getting the order. Group member Parameshwari Singh said, ‘Mushroom cake tastes just like normal cake. We make it by blending it with other flavours. The amount of vitamins and proteins in mushrooms is high, so it is also good for health. Mushroom is considered very good for patients of sugar and BP.

The method of preparing mushroom cake is the same as that of normal cake. While making this cake, mushroom powder is added to it. Mushrooms planted at home are processed and made into powder. It is used in making cakes. There are ingredients like sugar, flour in making the cake, but by adding mushroom powder to it, it is being claimed that the nutritional and taste of the cake will increase.

Tags: food, Korba News

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